Wednesday, March 31, 2010

June 22, 1896

The Plattsburgh Daily Press - Monday, June 22, 1896

Another Victory.
The Plattsburghs Easily Defeat St. Hyacinth on Saturday.

St. Hyacinthe, one of the prettiest and most thriving little cities in the Dominion of Canada, was represented in Plattsburgh Saturday by a ball team that would be a credit to any town. Every man on the team is a gentleman, and although they suffered defeat at the hands of the local team, they showed in many ways that they can put up a stiff game, and will not acknowledge defeat until the last man is out in the ninth inning. But when they run up against an aggregation of players such as compose the Plattsburghs, they are clearly outclassed, and they would have been shut out in Saturday's game but for an error of judgment by Deswan in the eighth inning.
The game opened with the home team at the bat, but they were retired without scoring, which fate befell them in the two following innings. As the visitors met with the same reception it began to look as though the game would be unusually close, but in the fourth inning by timely hitting, assisted by two errors of the visitors, the Plattsburghs had five men cross the plate, which practically won the game.
It was after this inning that the captain of the home team, for some reason best known to himself, relieved Burns, off whose delivery but two safe hits had been made, and substituted Patten, who then went into the box, had excellent control and good curves, striking out six men, and allowing but three hits.
Kidd, who played left field, is one of the best all-around players that has ever donned a Plattsburgh uniform. He made two running catches of fouls which won for him hearty applause, besides making two singles.
Sheldon gives promise of being a valuable man. He covered short in excellent style, and showed his hitting qualities by knocking out a timely two bagger. Butts, at third, played his usual erratic game first making an error, and then redeeming himself with a brilliant stop and throw. For the visitors Smith did the best stick work, having a single and a two-bagger to his credit. The following summary tells the story of the game:

Base Ball Tips.

-- Pappaleau, Powers and Sockalexis are expected to arrive and report for duty to-day.
-- The Plattsburghs play Ausables to-day, St. Albans 24th, Malone 26th, and Hull 28th.
-- Phisterer, of the local team, is gradually recovering from his injuries.
-- The game with the Ausables will be called promptly at 2 o'clock to-day.
-- At Malone the home team easily defeated the Farnhams by a score of 8 to 0 Saturday.