Sunday, October 19, 2008

April 25, 1873

The Plattsburgh Sentinel - April 25, 1873

  --A solider at the garrison, named Benjamin Delisle, had his leg broken, Wednesday, while playing base ball.

June 30 and July 7, 1876

The Plattsburgh Sentinel - June 30, 1876

Annual Regatta and Games at Rouses Point

  A base ball match will be played during the day between the St. Lambert Base Ball Club and the "Montgomery" B. B. Club of Rouse's Point.

The Plattsburgh Sentinel - July 7, 1876

  --Seven fine yachts entered the contest at Rouses Point last Saturday. The judges awarded the first prize to the "Hoop Lah," of Rouse's Point, owned by Mr. F. L. Wesson, and the second prize to the "Sandy," of Port Henry, the property of Mr. W. F. Pease, the "Anna," owned by Mr. J. Chabot, of the former place coming in third. There were also, during the afternoon, sculling races, a very amusing tub race, foot races, &c., and a base-ball match between a club from St. Lambert and one at Rouse's Point, the latter being the victors.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

September 6 and 13, 1872

The Plattsburgh Sentinel - September 6, 1872

  --A match game of Base Ball between the "United B. B. C." of Plattsburgh Barracks, and the "Relief B. B. C." of Plattsburgh, will be played on the Fair grounds, Tuesday, Sept. 10, at 2 o'clock, P.M.

The Plattsburgh Sentinel - September 13, 1872

  On Tuesday a match of base ball was played between the "Relief B. B. C." of Plattsburgh, and the "United B. B. C." of Plattsburgh Barracks, the latter being composed of soldiers at the "camp." The "Relief's,"--mostly all young players--contested the game manfully against their more practiced and much stronger antagonists, but were defeated, 23-17.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

September 30, 1870

The Plattsburgh Sentinel - September 30, 1870

  Chazy.--The Clippers B.B.C. of this place, played a game with the Unions of Ingraham last Saturday afternoon, on the grounds of the Rough and Ready's, and after some fine fielding and superior exhibition of batting, in which this juvenile club showed great proficiency, the Clippers came off victorious by a score of 15 to 6. The Clippers are to play a game with the Booth B.B.C., of Rouses Point, next Saturday.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

July 8, 1892

The Plattsburgh Sentinel - July 8, 1892

  --The game of base ball between the Keesevilles and Ausable Forks nine, played on the ground of the latter one day last week, resulted in a victory for the Forks team. Score 21 to 3.


  --The first game of the Hotel Champlain nine will be played U. V. M's at Burlington to-day. On Saturday, they play the Beverwycks at Rouses Point. A special train will leave Plattsburgh 2:10 P.M. Fare for the round tirp, 50 cents.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

May 29, 1891

The Plattsburgh Sentinel - May 29, 1891

  --A match game of base ball was played Saturday at Isle La Motte, between the North Hero nine and the Isle La Motte nine, the result being that the latter came in second best.

May 22, 1891

The Plattsburgh Sentinel - May 22, 1891

Rouses Point

  --The Beverwyck baseball club played at Champlain Thursday. They play the Middlebury, Vt., on the 15th of June. Good luck, boys.

May 15, 1891

The Plattsburgh Sentinel - May 15, 1891

Rouses Point

  --The Beverwyck baseball club has received a challenge from Norwich University team of Northfield, Vt., to play here on the 29th inst. Success to our team, is our earnest wish in this match.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

July 19, 1866

The Plattsburgh Sentinel - Thursday, July 19, 1866

Burlington Base Ball Club
Burlington, July 17, 1866

  Eds. Plattsburgh Sentinel - In looking over your paper of the 12th inst. I notice you give the Burlington Base Ball Club the credit of being "waxed" in the match game played on the 4th inst.
  Now to do justice to the B. B. C. it should have been stated that the Atlantics are an old Club, and the first nine is composed of "veteran" players, contrary to representations at the time of their sending the challenge to the Burlington Club, having been engaged in match games more less since 1861, while the Burlingtons are mere lyros in the game, having been organized since March, 1866. This of course makes the defeat of the B. B. B. C. no disgrace.
  The Burlington Club showed some very fine playing, especially C. E. Halbert - left field - who drew loud applause from the bystanders and the rival club by the skill displayed in taking fly balls. The pitching and catching of the Atlantics was superior to that commonly displayed.
  All parties had a pleasant time, and when the return match is played, undoubtedly the score will be a little closer. Ford

  We are glad to publish the above, as we intended no depreciation of the Burlington boys.

June 26, 1868

The Plattsburgh Sentinel – Friday, June 26, 1868

The 4th at Champlain. – Champlain will celebrate “freedom’s birth day” in an appropriate manner. There will be a grand procession, oration and addresses, game of base ball, balloon ascension, pyrotechnical display, &c. A procession will form under the direction of C. E. Everest, Marshal, in front of the Champlain House, at 9 o’clock in the morning, in the following order: band, Good Templars, base ball players, orators of the day, clergy, Sabbath Schools, citizens and stranger, committee of arrangements, which will march to the grounds of the Frontier base ball club, where the usual order of exercises will follow. A game of base ball will be played by the Rough and Readys, of Chazy, and the Frontiers, of Champlain. Ice cream, strawberries, fireworks, balloon ascension, &c., in the evening.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

July 8, 1887

The Plattsburgh Sentinel - Friday, July 8, 1887

-- The baseball games held in Plattsburgh on the 4th failed to draw. The match in the morning between the Gordons, of Montreal, and the Beverwycks, of Rouses Point, resulted in favor of the Gordons by a score of 15 to 5. The game in the afternoon was won by the Beverwycks.


-- Ball playing on Sunday in the State of New York is a misdemeanor, which six times repeated, makes a man a habitual criminal.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

July 12, 1866

The Plattsburgh Sentinel - Thursday, July 12, 1866

We understand that a Bass Ball Club is about to be organized in Plattsburgh.
Go ahead boys, young and old, you can't find a better amusement.


Bass Ball. -- A game of Bass Ball was played in Burlington, Vt., on Wednesday, the 4th, in answer to a challenge from the "Atlantic," of Whitehall, in which the Burlingtons were "waxed." The score stood - Atlantic, 17; Burlington 13. About 1,500 persons were on the ground witnessing the game, which lasted 2 hours and 40 minutes.
  The Captains were Messrs. Jones and Witherell; scorers, Messrs. McLaughlin and Nichols; Umpire, A. H. Tenney, of the. U. V. M. Club.


I like baseball. I like to watch it, read about it, talk about it, play it, research it. The last one is what this blog will be about.

Through the good efforts of the Northern New York Library Network, I have been able to search and view The Plattsburgh Sentinel from 1866 to 1931. The paper was published weekly until 1912.

I am (slowly) transcribing articles and boxscores from the 19th century. I thought of compiling it in a booklet, making it available online as a .pdf file or some such thing. But I always wanted to complete it first. Knowing full well that it won't happen, I figured I should start putting some of it out there now. Better to share the information than to horde it.

So, this blog will be about my researching it. It will have transcriptions, methods, tools and tips analysis and what not. So, I'll get started.