The Plattsburgh Sentinel - Friday, July 21, 1871
Ho! for St. Johns! -- To witness the great game of Base Ball between the Crescents of St. Johns, (champions of Canada,) and Rough & Readys of Clinton Co., on Wednesday, Ju'y 26th. Returning by moonlight. Prize, "A Silver Cup." The steamer "A Williams," Capt. Warren Corgin, has been chartered for the occasion; and those in charge will try and make it as pleasant as possible. Will leave Plattsburgh, Wednesday, July 26th, at 7 o'clock A.M.; Gordon's and Tobias', 7.30; Hazen's (North Hero,) 8.00; Point Au Roche, 8.30; Fisk's, (Isle La Motte,) 9.00; Chazy and Sandy Point, 9.30; Rouse's Point, 10.30, arriving at St. Johns at 12.30 PM. Returning -- leave St. Johns same day at 5.00 P.M.
The East Chazy Band will accompany the Excursion.
Fare from Plattsburgh, Gordon's and Tobias' and return, $1.25; Hazen's (North Hero,) $1.00; Point Au Roche, Chazy, Isle La Motte and Rouses Point, 75 cts. Meals can be procured on board the boat.
H. G. Saxe, President.
R. E. Hyde, Secretary.