Monday, January 29, 2018

What I did on my summer vacation, by Louis Sockalexis

The SABRbioproject published a fine write up of Louis Sockalexis.  But they didn't include any of his time playing baseball in the North Country.  I'll share the articles from the Plattsburgh papers.

He's coming.

Plattsburgh Daily Press - June 22, 1896

He's getting ready to play with the team.  "Saturday's game" is on the Fourth of July.

Plattsburgh Daily Press - July 2, 1896

He played well in center field.  He went 3 for 4 and stole 2 bases.  The next few months would find him stealing several more.

Plattsburgh Daily Press - July 6, 1896

Why did he go to Plattsburgh to play summer ball against the locals, some teams stocked with college boys?  How did he get there?  I don't know the answers.  But I do know what he did while he was on the western shores of Lake Champlain.