Saturday, March 22, 2008


I like baseball. I like to watch it, read about it, talk about it, play it, research it. The last one is what this blog will be about.

Through the good efforts of the Northern New York Library Network, I have been able to search and view The Plattsburgh Sentinel from 1866 to 1931. The paper was published weekly until 1912.

I am (slowly) transcribing articles and boxscores from the 19th century. I thought of compiling it in a booklet, making it available online as a .pdf file or some such thing. But I always wanted to complete it first. Knowing full well that it won't happen, I figured I should start putting some of it out there now. Better to share the information than to horde it.

So, this blog will be about my researching it. It will have transcriptions, methods, tools and tips analysis and what not. So, I'll get started.